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I'm An Actor! I've been in a few bangin' productions! Productions like Shelved, and Run Woman Run, and Crazy Like a Lynx, and Run the Burbs, and Comedy Night with Rick Mercer.
I also won multiple awards for my role as Beck in Zoe Hopkins' film Run Woman Run, including Best Actress at the 2021 American Indian Film Festival. I'm A WriterI've been a playwright for a decade (Conrad-Roy, Native Studies 101. Leave it to Weavers, Dreamer & the Turtle) and have now branched into television as a punch-up writer (Zarqa, Shelved). I am currently entering the film and television industry as a writer-writer though. I've got tv shows I'm penning, as well as films, and I'm even writing for other tv shows! I can't tell you about them yet cuz I don't wanna get sued. :) I'm A JokerCredits range from the Arctic Comedy Festival, Winnipeg Comedy Festival, Just For Laughs, and CBC's Comedy Night in Canada with Rick Mercer. |
I completed the Just For Laughs Canada hat-trick (JFL Toronto, JFL Vancouver, JFL Montreal) July 2023 when I performed as part of New Faces: Canada.
My debut album I'll Give You An Indian Act dropped on October 31st, 2022, and is available on all streaming sites OR for purchase on iTunes and Bandcamp, as well as CDs and on vinyl.
I am currently working on, and occasionally touring my second album Trailer Treasure; book a showing of it now!
I'm A Wagon BurnerOkay, okay, this is a bit of a spicy headline. I mostly just say it because it's a funny tag to the above headlines. I've never even burned a single wagon! However, I'm taking back this stupid slur.
I am proudly Dene from Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan. My reserve is English River First Nation. I am from Treaty 10, but I currently reside in Treaty 6. <3
My debut album I'll Give You An Indian Act dropped on October 31st, 2022, and is available on all streaming sites OR for purchase on iTunes and Bandcamp, as well as CDs and on vinyl.
I am currently working on, and occasionally touring my second album Trailer Treasure; book a showing of it now!
I'm A Wagon BurnerOkay, okay, this is a bit of a spicy headline. I mostly just say it because it's a funny tag to the above headlines. I've never even burned a single wagon! However, I'm taking back this stupid slur.
I am proudly Dene from Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan. My reserve is English River First Nation. I am from Treaty 10, but I currently reside in Treaty 6. <3